Thursday, 7 May 2009

3 weeks in...some ideas for improvement

* Increase family baking sessions.
* Library use - weekly visits.
* More creative art projects
* Increase outings/opportunities to meet with other h/ed families
* Encourage good penmanship and development of character by writing letters rather than emails
* Concentrate on handwriting over next month - spacing, height of capitals in comparison to lower-case, neatness, and focus.
* Expression in reading with J.
* More computer time for Mental Maths and less formal
* Upon completing Egypt project, encourage kids to compile a list of projects they would like to do themselves to encourage thinking 'outside the box' and autonomous learning

Over the past month, I made a huge discovery. They learn best when they are having fun and they are interested! I plan to home in on this more, without allowing them to become lazy, because there will always be times we need to know and learn things that we don't particularly want to! It still doesn't mean the learning of these things needs to be boring. There are ways and means, even if they learn in completely different ways.

1 comment:

Alice said...

Hi Naomi. Sounds like you're doing a great job! We've loved trying out lots of different art over the last month. T's got so much more into it with a bit of persistance on my part and trying out lots of different ideas. I've tried to keep it really free so he can learn to be creative.
Alice x