Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Since leaving school

Just a little end-of-month update as to B's progess.

1.She has learned (finally!) to make her Mummy a nice cup of tea.
2.Made playdough/salt dough by herself, my using ml measurements and scales.
3. We have embarked on a Keepers of the faith club, which is a bit like Girls Brigade, but with more emphasis on learning Scripture, which should be lots of fun. (Over the next few months, she will have to memorise passages of Scripture, commence a study of hygiene, write upto 8 letters (correctly formatted), and we are deciding between beginning to do counted cross stitch or basket weaving, but I'm still looking into the costs!)
4. We have reached up to Lesson 28 in Saxon Maths, and can now tell the time. (which they didn't cover in school?!) Mental maths is improving greatly....I hope.
5. Literacy - working on a revision of all she has learned so far. (Common and Proper Nouns, Adjectives, Verbs, Subjects and Verbs, Singular and Plural, Exclamation Marks, Verb Tenses, Adverbs, Pronouns, Conjunctions, Prepositions, Adjectives - comparitives and superlatives, opposites - verbs, Apostrophes, Sentences (subject and predicate), Direct Speech and Positive and Negative Sentences.) Still to cover a lot of this before the Summer break.

6. Character studies combined with communication skills. An occasional, but enjoyable study.
7. Silent and Aural reading
8. Music studies (Composers, and medieval music)
9. Gardening (she has learned to plant seeds, and care for seedlings)
10. Baking (lots of this now!)

And for next 'term' -

11. Ancient Egypt study will commence after Easter along with J! They can't wait to get using the teracotta clay to make a tomb or a mask!
12. Hope to commence a reading study on Botany from Apologia Science with them all. Just a 15-20 minute session in the afternoon will be all it takes. Such great books! They are geared towards the younger and older child.

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