Thursday 4 March 2010

Quote of the week

"We may listen to a sermon with pleasure, while the impression produced on us is only temporary and short-lived. Our hearts, like the “stony ground,” may yield a plentiful crop of warm feelings and good resolutions. But all this time there may be no deeply-rooted work in our souls, and the first cold blast of opposition or temptation may cause our seeming religion to wither away. Alas! There are many such hearers! The mere love of sermons is no sign of grace."

~ J.C. Ryle

HT to Deb for highlighting this on her facebook. It's here to remind myself! How I love to attend a good conference or series of meetings, and have my affections roused, but I must endeavor through earnest prayer and with the help of the Holy Spirit not to be only a hearer.

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