Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Not too long now

Until we go on our voyage over the Irish Sea, through Scotland, England (with a stop-over in Birmingham) then over the channel (again, stopping on the way) to Annecy in the French Alps - 4 kids in tow.
Admittedly, I've being packing a little at a time; as I iron I'll throw things into the suitcase. A friend's packing list has helped out immensely, too.
We've been looking forward to this for a long time, and it's the first time we've ever been to France, let alone been away for more than a week!!!

Lots and lots still to do...

Here is a photo of where we are heading...Lord Willing.

Soooo looking forward to some family time :-)

Monday, 1 June 2009

Update from Rachel Barkey

The sun is out in all it's glory and everything is looking so beautiful over in this small corner, and boy do we appreciate the sunny, warm weather when it's here! However, it is good to be reminded of the fragility and brevity of life when perhaps we least want to dwell upon such things because of our sinful natures.
Rachel is certainly aware of her impending end or to put it in more glorious terms, the imminent day when she will meet her Saviour face-to-face. She has updated her website, in terms of 'Rachel's letters' today.

She says
I am finding that my greatest challenge and what occupies my thoughts most these days is how to finish well. All the little things that I battle daily seem to loom larger in the waiting of each day and moment as my impatience and selfish tendencies rush to the forefront of every thought and activity.

So my challenge is to finish well. And it seems I am to do this by waiting. Appropriately, I found this verse in Lamentations:

“It is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.”

Waiting. Quietly. It is a good thing apparently.

This is indeed how to die well. I pray that one day I will be able to look death in the eye with the same boldness and courage as Rachel displays! Praise God for those who have gone on before, leaving a Godly example for others to follow.